DysfunctionalGovernment: Why We Need Congressional Term Limits 

In our age of polarized politics, there are very few things that we can all agree on. However, when it comes to members of congress, term limits are a common sense issue that unites us across the political spectrum.

This principle lies at the core of the Middle Class Party's ideology. This article elucidates the profound benefits that would accrue to our nation through the implementation of term limits, restricting politicians to a maximum of two terms. Furthermore, it advocates for robust measures aimed at preventing them from leveraging the stock market for personal gain during their tenure and for at least four years following the conclusion of their service.

Americans Want Term Limits

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly 87% of American adults favor limiting the number of terms that members of Congress are allowed to serve. This includes a 56% majority who strongly favor this proposal; just 12% are opposed. 

This rare unity stands out amidst an era fraught with discord and disagreement.

And the Middle Class Party intends to support what Americans want.

Why Are Term Limits So Important?

Congress is supposed to be a citizen legislature, where people from all walks of life could serve for a short period of time and then return home to live under the laws that they made. It is supposed to be rotational in nature, allowing for fresh faces with new ideas and mindsets. It wasn’t meant to be a safe space for entrenched career politicians. Despite this, multiple members of Congress have occupied their political offices for decades, undermining the original intent. And with the average American being 20 years younger than the average representative in the House and Senate, it is no wonder why career politicians are out of touch with their constituents. Furthermore, forty percent of current senators and twenty six percent of representatives are 65 years or older — and many have spent decades in their positions. 

Here are a few notable examples:

John Dingell: Served 59 years, 21 days

Robert Byrd: Served 57 years, 176 days

Carl Hayden: Served  56 years, 319 days

Chuck Grassley: Still in office, first elected in 1980

And why do politicians stay in office for decades? It's not the genuine desire to serve constituents or improve the country. Rather, it's the allure of prolonged political careers in Washington, entailing a plethora of perks, privileges, and million-dollar pensions associated with the job. This is an addition to the annual allowances for travel and other expenses

Oh, and don’t forget that members of congress are exempt from certain insider trading rules when it comes to the stock market. So while the American public is bound by SEC rules and regulations when it comes to their investments,  a third of the 100 members of Congress who reported financial transactions in 2023 beat the S&P 500, which was up 24% that year. Broken down by party, Republicans earned an average of 18% returns on their trades while Democrats earned 33%.

But don’t worry. Congress is also asking for a raise, despite the fact that the $174,000 a year salary is far more than the $74,580 median household income as reported in 2022, according to the US Census.

Let’s face it. Being a member of congress gets you lifetime access to an exclusive club that ensures that individuals are inclined to remain within that club no matter their age, popularity, or ability to do the job they were elected for. This perpetuates a disconnect between both current and former members of Congress and the experiences of everyday Americans.

How Term Limits Will Improve America

Term limits transcend mere catchphrases or trendy hashtags; they represent a vital solution to a pervasive issue that impacts all Americans. The Middle Class Party staunchly advocates for term limits, recognizing their potential to enhance the country in numerous ways, including:

Greater citizen participation in government. The regular churn in congressional seats will require new faces and new ideas. We believe that citizens from all backgrounds and professions will run for office and this diversity will improve our country.

Increased voter turnout. The influx of new and lesser-known candidates vying for office will stimulate increased grassroots engagement and voter turnout. This greater civic participation will only benefit out democracy.

Limiting the power of lobbyists. As of 2023, there were 12,937 registered lobbyists, an increase from 2022. We believe that term limits will serve to diminish the sway of lobbyists and special interests, entities that currently wield disproportionate power within our system. Through regular turnover, term limits will disrupt the cozy relationships lobbyists presently cultivate with career politicians, reducing their ability to exploit such connections.

Prioritize problem-solving. Seeing as most members of congress are focused on enriching themselves and securing their re-election, the American people are not being served. Congress is supposed to solve problems, not endlessly fundraise. We firmly believe that implementing term limits would catalyze a transformative shift in the political culture, refocusing the attention of members towards proactive problem-solving and authentic service to their constituents.

We Need You

If you are tired of the dysfunction in Washington and the career politicians that only seek to enrich themselves, then join us and our movement. We need to come together to break free from corporate agendas, lobbyists, and the government graft that makes up congress.

America needs and deserves politicians who serve the people and prioritize their needs over personal gain and corporate agendas.

America needs voters like you who will demand common sense solutions such as term limits for members of congress.

Learn more about The Middle Class party and together we can shape a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, one that prioritizes the interests of citizens over the self-interest of career politicians. 

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